Best rated felony assault attorney in Omaha, Nebraska? If you are one of the tens of thousands of people arrested and charged with a crime each year in Nebraska, you may face an uncertain future. While you can’t change the past or predict the future, you can hire Omaha criminal defense attorney Greg Nelson to help make the best of this difficult and overwhelming situation. An experienced attorney can guide you through this confusing process, protect your rights, and possibly have your charges dropped or reduced. It’s imperative that you contact one as soon as possible after your arrest in order to get the most out of the services they have to offer. Find additional information on attorney Greg Nelson
How to discover a good criminal defense attorney? Seek a Clear Fee Structure: An attorney for criminal defense cases will explain to you in basic terms the percentage of their contingency fee and your defense’s total cost. Always ask what their services include and if there will be any additional costs. Look For An Attorney With Courtroom Experience : Criminal trials can be complex, and sometimes the attorney only has a few seconds to react. This could seriously impact the outcome of your case, so make sure you look for an attorney who has experience in the courtroom.
The charge escalates to second-degree domestic assault if allegations include intentionally causing injury to someone by using a dangerous instrument. Such an instrument can be a weapon or anything else with the capability of causing serious injury. This can be a Class IIIA felony for a first-time charge or a Class III felony for a repeated offense. First-degree charges involve intentionally causing serious bodily injury. The distinction between serious injury and non-serious injury is critical here. “Serious injury” refers to a condition with a significant risk of disfigurement, impairment, or death. Some serious injuries include gunshot wounds, brain injuries, or disabling injuries to any body part. This is a Class III felony charge for a first offense or a Class II felony for a second offense.
A regular part of criminal proceedings includes negotiations, often for plea bargains that will help mitigate or eliminate charges against the defendant. A good criminal defense attorney will be a skilled negotiator. While the legal world is naturally a complex thing to navigate based solely on the laws themselves, there are also many “unwritten” rules of the system that a defendant can rely on a good defense lawyer to help them navigate that complicated terrain.
Are You Facing Criminal Charges? Contact an Experienced Omaha Criminal Defense Attorney Today for Help. Facing criminal charges comes with much uncertainty. However, you can count on experienced Omaha criminal defense attorney Greg Nelson to obtain the best result possible in your case. He will examine all the details and the circumstances of your charges to determine the best course of action, guiding you in every step of the legal process. Contact our firm today to learn more about your rights and options after an arrest or being charged with a crime. Even if you haven’t been arrested yet, we can help. Our staff is available 24/7 by phone at (402) 415-9700, or you can contact us online. Find additional information on attorney Greg Nelson.